Hi friends! It is American Heart Month. Just a few days ago was "National Wear Red Day." As much as I appreciate that awareness being spread, I have a bigger request than wearing red. This request is to help support a friend's immediate need of a heart transplant. She is in need of quite a bit, but the reality is every dollar helps! Even if you can just give five dollars, I would ask that you do so! Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Here is an excerpt from her GoFundMe page:
"This fund is for an incredible young woman who needs a new heart immediately. Her name is Bernice Lopez and she is on a waiting list for a heart transplant. Bernice is a loving, caring, single mom, who is full of life and wants to live. In 2008, she had breast cancer and survived. She currently works from her home and loves being a mom to her two young sons, ages 10 & 12.
Bernice's heart is currently working at 5% and the doctor's are amazed that her organs haven't begun to shut down. She is truly a miracle and her faith in God is what sustains her. Within the next 2 weeks she will be undergoing surgery and is hoping to get a new heart as soon as they find a match. With her surgeries she will not be working and she will be in the hospital anywhere from 30 days to 6 weeks. This whole situation has been very overwhelming and she needs as little stress as possible.
With any donations that are given, Bernice will be able to focus on her health, provide for her boys while she is in the hospital, cover meidcal costs and medications. She will also be able to to stay as close to the hospital during her recovery.
People always ask, "how can I help?" Well, here's a perfect, tangible way that would make a huge difference in someone's life. PLEASE DONATE! Any amount will help! If eveyone does there share, it will take a burden off of Bernice, (a burden that no one should ever have to carry alone).
May God richly bless you for any contribution you make and please continue to pray for complete healing and recovery in Bernice's body. She is God's gift to us and we treasure her...
Bernice's Favorite Scripture:
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14 NKJ"
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