Tuesday, October 28, 2008

20 lbs later...

The photos below were some of the photos that prompted me to join weight watchers. I could belive how horrible I looked. The photo was taken in Joshua Tree during a camping trip we took at the end of April. The photos following it were taken this past weekend, 20 lbs later (20.6 lbs to be exact)! I am down to 156.0 lbs! It is coming off slowly, but surely!
October 2008....20 lbs later!
Wow! 20 lbs sure does make a difference!


  1. Congratulations! You look great! Way to work hard at getting the baby weight off!

  2. So happy for you. You do look great!!!

  3. WOW! Melissa, that's wonderful! I'm back into my walking routine again and I'm hoping to drop a couple of pounds before we go back to Canadian winter for Christmas (which involves hibrinating from the cold and eating lots of sweets!)...
